i see hope
in the words of sarge - "todaaaay is a good day to go to church"(the words in italics can be replaced with whatever you want)
woke late. showered. picked up my bag and ran. wasnt gonna miss the 12.30 service!! and it was already 12.05. 10 minutes later and no cab in sight."thats it, im gonna miss the 12.30 service".
then came a bus. "public transportation so rules!!!!!" reached the church vicinity in 12 minutes."niiiiicee!!" the area around the church is under heavy construction. as i was makin my way to church suddenly noticed almost all access routes were blocked off. there was just the one access way.
"12.32" and to get to that i would have to go all the way round which would take a lot of time. there was this group of ladies just behind me. we stood there for a few moments. then one of them climbed down the trench and walked on the exposed pipes, climbed out. they helped each one out. finally i made my way across. as i reached the end, i suddenly saw this hand reach out. i looked up to see the first lady who made her way across . she smiled and helped pull me up.
i have never in my life been offered help like this by a lady.
so there was nothin that was goin to stop me from attending service today.
it was more than worth it. of all days today it was worth it.
when he calls you to him
he'll get you there as well
whther it is a hand to pull you up or a staff to part the waters of a sea coloured red
Damn it...i cant remm the last tym i went to church ....i gotta start ... or else whn i go up dere GOD wont remm me!!!!.....btw....c... there r ppl in this world who are nice and sweet unlike wht u think....
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