Tuesday, October 2, 2007

sono affamato

God good. Food good.

Yesterday went to this new italian restaurant. alforno its called. i refer to it as alporno.

got to the place(in one piece)with a kooky friend. the drive to the restaurant was hmm, er, ...... we're still alive, so thats all that matters. when one decides to cut from the second to fast lane straight to the detour which is two lanes away, i guess there is this ever so slight degree of risk involved. especially since traffic out here does not like to travel less than a 100kph on any lane. having said all of this, id still get into a car with her in the drivers seat.

she let me eat all her dessert(for that act alone she gets an A+++ in my books). also met the manager of the place. hadnt seen her in months(we work in the same company, shes in casual dining, and i work fashion). she was lookin as good as ever. still has that crazy glint in her eye. our waiter(they sure pick em young these daze) was one of the most eager and kindest people ive ever met. and he suggested right all the time. and yes yes yes! goat cheese rulz. what was the name of that salad again? and ive never seen beef sliced so thin, it looked like tracing paper - mmmmmm thinkin bout it reminds me, i need to eat something. anyways we(TR n me) were both thinkin the same thing thru most part of the meal. she was thinkin wine, i was thinkin beer. we were eating italian, so how can a meal be complete without pasta, because TR didnt finish hers i got to clean it all up. muhahahahaha!!! sheeeesssh, my mother was right. she used to refer to me as the bottomless pit.

when the lights went out, our waiter comes over and says "its a romantic setting". he didnt notice my blank stare in the dark.

look i kno im no good when it comes to describing places i visit n so forth, but this restaurant deserves a couple of trips at least. and i give it a good rating simply because i didnt get poisoned!!!

today i plan on something a little more simple. something iranian.

1 comment:

krashwin said...

bottomless pit...lolz...that u are!

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