Saturday, April 12, 2008

4 seasons, nah......make it 6/7 or something like that in one day

the sky is falling!
the sky is falling!!

and it didnt....
but what did happen was niiccccccccccceeeeeeee.

mother nature unleashed a little bit yesterday evening. just a few minutes and damage like nobody's business.

first came the dark clouds. saw that coming.
then came the lightning. ooohhhhh definitely saw THAT!!!
then came the dust. saw that coming.
then came the winds. saw that coming.
then came the absolute sandstorm. couldnt see hand two inches in front of face. didnt see that. couldnt see that.
then the hail. definitely didnt see that coming.
then the flooding of the streets.
all this in 10 minutes.
and then just like that it was over.

headin back to my room and all along the broken path it looked like cluster bomb attack. i made my way to the udupi joint, and i didnt think they were gonna serve food. glass all over the place. well dearies, when there is that kind of pressure build up on the outside, open windows/doors to equalise the pressure on the inside. dont and you will have glass or light walls caving. so dinner at udupi was out of the question.

chinese wok. they looked ok. no damage. so i went and i ate. then the girl tells me the building had a water tank tip over and flood the roof and the stairway. oh well, the noodles were good and nobody got injured or died. then the girl decided she needed someone to talk to. and i listened, but did she have to tell me of all things some females are subjected to and have to do in order to survive? hmmm.

there was the usual debris like antennae, dish antennae, glass, tin roof, cars that had holes punched in them(due to flying metal bits n pieces), cats.....

mother nature. for all her ferocity, so rocks!!


krashwin said...

wow...that sounds like movie thingie...all that happened in just 10 mins? so cool.

Rowe said...

Hey.. well I saw some pictures of what happened..pretty scarry haan.. glad you all are fine..

Anonymous said...

damn it dude....i was out in this storm playin throw ball!!!...sowwie for the late comment ....just read your blog.....

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