Thursday, May 17, 2007

black is so black innit?

the smoking room is as usual, er, smoky.

i am usually asked one question - why do u always wear black?
i like black. bite me.

u can wear black to a funeral
u can wear black to a party
u can wear black to a meeting
u can wear black if ur doin a mission impossible thing
i wear black when im happy
i wear black when im upset
look black is my fav colour. when people dress like rainbow puke, thats ok?
if i want to infuse colour in my life, i will look for different shades of black. and if it bothers anyone so much they shud simply stop lookin in my direction. ok the guys shud stop. the girls can continue....

oh yeah, check out teacherlady, in the company of strangers known, shes good!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If there was no black....? What would you do? And where would you like me to bite?

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