Friday, February 2, 2007

the ninjas are coming!!

been awhile. sue me.

been busy. networks been acting up. bloggers on smack.

this was to be posted yesterday, but blogger was so high it didnt let me post, so since today is yesterday and today is yesterdays tomorrow, yesterday=tomorrow.

so yesterday, i mean today which is tomorrow, as usual i was sittin there mindin me own bizness when this guy comes up to me and asks me bout movies. the answers impress him and now he thinks im some sorta genius. cuz just to verify i showed him related info online and im ~ta-da!~ a genius. any doubts anyone? 'flawed genius' was the term coined by VIM some months ago. i was asked bout relationships (damn do i look like i kno anything bout relationships? the only relationship i kno of is the one i have with donuts). so i tell him all i kno and he is impressed again. he is years older than i am, and by this time he thinks i am the wise one. if only he knew the truth. for all those out there with any questions and doubts, please take a number. it was after all this the most beautiful creature walked in. droooooooooooooooollllllllllllllll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and all i was thinkin was that our kids would definitely look great. she was simply beautiful. near perfect (ferfect -in the words of a contradictory type). hey im single and im horny. i got every right to be. her hair, good God! her figure and those jeans, theres no way she put those on, it had to be spray painted on. her features - now if she was a ducati........... after a while tho the droolin had to stop, she left. now i could get back to doin nothin(what else is new?)

suddenly i feel somebody standin behind me. lo and behold! jujup with the maunki girl. as usual she had her serious expression on. muanki girl i mean. and its been sometime since she last saw me, hence the "looks could kill" look. i show her pic on the computer and finally she shtarts to shmile. bwabwy!!

today which is yesterday which is tomorrow there was some very depressing news. after all the allocation and distribution my account looked like a raisin. need to win a lottery real soon. yabeela!!never. locals only. that kinda sux.

Why is it when we talk to God we are praying, but when God talks to us we are put into the loony bin?

keep on rockin....... why? cuz im in a good mood today which is yesterday which is tomorrow.


Tina Miranda said...

Hey Dude, Love the post unfortunately I got hooked to the Malkani........before I could take a number....neways, at least we can make the bad better ;)...muanki girl was trying to tell you to be a little more social.......don't boycott us just as yet....what have we even done ? sob sob !!

Chrisann said...

there are somethings you should leave un-said

krashwin said...

L O freakin L :-) hey, dude...roger waters is performing in want me to convey any message to him?

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