Saturday, October 11, 2008

blue skies, pink champagne, yellow fever, black death......yup the colors of life

hmmmmm, whatta week!!

busy busy busy!!! its hard convincing ops your bonus is on the line as well. look my bonus aint much, i mean i cant buy a car(cash down) or a bike. fine, an xbox is easy but whos gonna buy me that huge screen i want and those speakers?

its been a good two weeks on the personal level. things have looked up and i really like just being. and yes the whole world isnt out to get me, only some part of it is {blech}. guess ill have to use the force and make them stew in their own misgivings(read: monkey puke fermenting turd). hardy har har!

and im now as colorful as a rainbow regurgitating a totally unbalanced meal (read: kinda bright). seeing as i gots me some colored tees. not the usual fare namely black, actual variety - no drak greys even. damn think im turning into some sorta flutterby now(did u know an angry butterfly will chase you for at least a quarter mile). thats not going to stop me from getting a suitcase (i dont own a dresser/cupboard/wardrobe)full of black tees. heck, ive even found a place thats gonna print whatever i want on it. muhahahahaha! er, ahem. yeah. so now i dont have to tell people stuff, ill just point to my tee. being the good boy that i am, i dont intend on printing any obscenities. now that would be just down right, er, obscene(read: they would haul my butt to jail, shave my head)(hmm, i do have a steel cup now, so...). heck i can always mouth off profanity and gesture. i have a bit of know how there(read: i will swear at you till the day u die every chance i get, and yes, even in front of ur kids).

am so looking forward to the new week, for reasons i cannot mention, and work is going to be a challenge absolute (read: its gonna be a bitch).

till whenever.


Mirandian said...

Ra, as I said elsewhere...I am real glad that you're a chirpy chirpy guy once agin! Good Luck!

Anonymous said...

where is my dark dark friend?

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