Saturday, January 6, 2007

post in translation

estoy apesadumbrado que no utilicé el babel.

sitting and staring i began to think(that is a huge job - thinking) there was a time i nearly gave up on everything. nearly gave up on life itself. there were certain deciding factors that pushed me to that place. then there was just one thing, one person, who inadvertently changed the course of what could have been. so i'm here now. it is hard, but i can now progress, with a extended sense of being, towards the uncertain future. this is a future that holds good. choosing options, the right options....and after we spoke last night, i am more convinced. you should be too. you did think of it as well. not a coincidence. not a coincidence.

rising smoke
ashes surround
my life diminishes

thought/pondering/musing for the week: when you work in chaos, no one bothers you (courtesy VIM)


Chrisann said...

a parody on
lost in translation
how clever

Tina Miranda said...

was it ?....and here I was feeling sorry for the POOR ROD :P

Anonymous said...

Hmmm...I'd put it this way "Coincidence is GOD's way of staying anonymous"....
So let HIM jus carry on..and all we can do is wait and see wats the punchline to this one.. :):)

Chrisann said...

"Coincidence is GOD's way of staying anonymous"....I like that...a religious spin on endless possibilities

krashwin said...

hey, what do you mean, you nearly gave up on almost everything? as far as I remember, you couldn't even give up smoking...! :P

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